
Traditionally, the best coaching has always been by way of a mentor/student relationship – this is in almost every tradition but few religions. Each of us is unique and learn in ways that are best for us, this is why one-to-one can be so effective.

When you want to achieve something but it always seems out of reach, most of us become discouraged and give up, forgetting that the same power than moves planets and even Buddhahood lies within us all.

I offer a free coaching session to see whether we could work together on your journey, which of course would then become part of mine. I will seek to point you in the right direction based on what I have learned from the schools studied within these pages (and others – I lived on an ashram with a guru), so yes, there’ll be meditation, maybe chanting, and praying – all the good stuff.

Please go here for my Booking page where you can choose a slot or contact me on for more info.