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Remembering I AM is my latest jam (as far as modern vernacular goes). Which means that on my journey I have embraced many philosophies, but have fallen away from intense practice therein because it wasn’t ALL right. Or, I can now dip into the parts that resonate with what I believe. You see, I now trust myself. I know what I’m doing. It has taken many years but I don’t require any dogma to understand my place in the Universe.

What this means is, I was still seeking a set of teachings that fell in with what I believed. Rather than look for something that mostly makes sense and then learn to believe everything they say, I wanted to go, “That’s what I think! Don’t get me wrong – I believe we need mentors and teachers, but these are almost peers for me these days. The clear message from the Christ was I AM That I AM – and in these times of Technological and Pharmaceutical tyranny – its worth remembering. The other thing is I AM is total Law of Attraction.

Where did it start?

The I AM Living Christ philosophical and theological teachings are from the work of St Germain. The belief is that there are Ascended Masters, who are a collection of our greatest teachers from the past who have ascended, and that we are Divine beings, having the God gene. We have simply forgotten who we really are. When we do remember we can (and do) receive some guidance so that we are only operating at the highest vibrations.

There are many excellent books by Peter Mt Shasta that explain the teachings well, and I highly recommend checking them out thoroughly. Here is his website. In a subsequent post I will include a reading from one of his books.

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