
Know thyself…

Have you ever wondered what makes you tick? What makes everyone tick? What’s it all about? Why some people have seemingly happy, successful lives and others experience great suffering and hardship – both financially and emotionally? Why? or How?

The main three ‘schools’ The Lotus Watercourse explores all have similarities and advice on how to make life better, although it is more about reducing suffering than enlightenment. I like to do both, and so, some of this site is about how to journey towards enlightenment, to reveal one’s Buddhahood, to move along The Way – to be one’s true self.

There are countless books written about How To………….(fill the blank). And many great religions tell us how we should live in order to have a better afterlife. You can also find great works of philosophy that have always, at their heart, attempted to explain the human condition and how to be happier in this universe. But in truth, words don’t teach – experience teaches. The menu is not the meal.

The Lotus Watercourse was planned as a journey of learning, hopefully explaining some mysteries, and offering some help when one is stuck in a rut or worse. No Buddhist or Taoist master, I’m just someone who has had their share of experiences, made a lot of mistakes (perfectly), and have worked out what I AM about. I have spent many years as a teacher/student, therapist/patient, and coach/client – but don’t hold that against me…

This site is about how to make the best of this ride. Go here if you want to chat.